mandag 27. februar 2012

Cultural media.

Some culture aspects of media.

It’s the publisher’s set of values and beliefs informing behaviour that shapes all the mediums. My understanding of the media culture is that they who create and publish on internet shape this medium. People who publish information on internet must have knowledge about rules for what requires. This yields for publishing information, pictures, films, music…

I can see culture with my previous post in my blog. I wrote then about people taking advantage of other, like young kids. They do not have the right to take pictures, or to use or publish them on internet. This is a culture that exists but isn’t allowed. There are many similarities to cultures like this in Medias. It can happen on pictures, phone, or internet. They all have that in common that it isn’t allowed to publish this information without permission from people who are on pictures or films.
Some departs pictures and puts together parts that aren’t real. This can be done just for fun, but in some cases it can be done in bad ways too. It’s then bullying of other people and can be taken very serious.

A political retouched picture.


Photo of Vladimir Majakovskij and Lilja Brik from 1918
was inn political respect retouched in official soviet 
publications in the 1960's .

There are several good sites of culture in the media. This can be for downloading thing from internet. It can be all from downloading a film to see, information you need for education, or the weatherforecast
I on the other hand, can share messages to other, publish information or deliver my tasks back to school.
I can publish things in a blog like now, or I can send to one specific person I choose. This is one of the best  things with internet, people can be all around the world, and still have connection with each other. It is global; you can have contact or talk with people. I remember it was nice when my friend lived in Australia for almost a year, and I had connection with her on internet. We could send messages, pictures or chat.


I would like to finish this post with summarising that media like internet can be both good and bad. It’s just what all of us make it to be. People who publish information on internet and use the internet in all kind of activities must have knowledge about all rules for what requires. Some good sides with internet is all you can get out of internet. This could be information, buying things you can't get in your neighborhood, staying in touch with your friends (like my friend who was in Australia for a whole year) and family...
And there is bad sides with internet. That can be things like people is using you, whant to do bad things with you or to take advantage of you. Be aware whwn it is people you don't know. It's easy for those who can do it, to retouch pictures, sound and pictures, so it benefit them selves.

Social media

                   The digital world is a part of our social life.

A fact is that we live in a digital world. Some people think that the computer is their best friend. Is that possible? I say no. Computers cannot tell you when you are wrong or does bad things. Friends do that. Computers only do things it’s told to do.
A computer can make people addictive, just like drugs or alcoholic, but not necessary. If it happens you can go from being a social to an asocial person.

When I write social people I mean people who have direct personally contact with each other in the same room. It isn’t social contact if you only talk to them over internet or phone over time and not being followed up with connection face to face.

Some peoples are not who they say them are. This could happen in real life and on internet. The consequences can quickly be large on the internet. The person girls, boys or you meet on internet isn’t always real. It can be grown ups that use people to get connection and pictures. They could want to use the information later on. People I meet randomly on internet, I doesn’t trust, and isn’t sharing everything with them. Information like that I share with my real friends who I meets and talks to. This is nicer to, they answers my questions and tells me what I need to hear. We can have fun and do other things together at the same time.

Dont trust on everybody!!

Researchers have suggested that 60-70 % of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior, like 
Body language. This is just another reason for why people should come more together and talk. There is many internetsites which have advices for to keep the kids safe in the digital world.. 

We need to come in contact with each other, some times we haven’t opportunity to do this in real life and then phone and internet comes in a good second place to have contact.
I mean connection through internet and network is a necessary part of our social life, but it is not enough alone.


This blog is about some of the dangers who exists on internet. The video shows a young girl which is dressing up for to meet a young boy. The young boy isn't who he say he is. This is the subject who goes on through this text. We can't trust on all unknown people we hear from on the internet. Bodylanguage is telling us very much about a person. That is difficult to see just from a camera who can be manipulated.

søndag 26. februar 2012

First blog ever....


Here it is. My first blog ever. I'm making it for my studies, and in English language to...... my English isn't the best. But I'll do my best. That is all for now.